Phase I – Week 1, Day 1

I have become my OWN trainer! I don’t know why this is just happening since I am well qualified. Feel free to follow along.

Last week my friend brought over her Insanity DVDs. I managed 15 or 20 minutes of what I would definitely describe as INSANE!

It’s been a total of 2 months solidly off. I’ve only worked out on and off maybe 5 times (at least it seems like) since the early part of January when my Doc said “NO MORE!”

This Insanity workout had me realize all the healing that my body has accomplished. I was sore, but I wasn’t overly fatigued, tired or finding myself crashing. There was no morning after affects. All of which have been typical for me. This gave me hope and motivation to KNOW it’s TIME!

I’ve been putting this off for many reasons. I haven’t been too confident that I’ve been ready, even though I’ve felt better more consistently. I’ve also feared that because I’ve felt better I would push myself back by doing anything.

I’ve made a lot of life style changes for my health. I’ve learned a TON and I think pushing myself back is an irrational fear at this time.


Feel free to follow along. Don’t make me add my disclaimer (get clearance from your dr. first and all that!). Please be smart. If something hurts, STOP. J

Phase I – Stabilization

This phase gets your ligaments and tendons prepared for higher volume. It will also help your nervous system adapt to higher demands.


Perform 15 reps of all exercises in a circuit fashion (perform one set of each exercise working down the list and then start over). Take no more than 30 seconds in between each exercise. 2 sets total (or 2 cycles).

60 sec. Plank

NOTES: Make sure your elbows are directly below your shoulders. Keep your abs tight. Avoid letting your back arch. If you’re not able to keep your back from arching, the time is too long. Drop your time to something that is challenging but also something that will prevent hurting your back.

15 reps Side Plank (both sides)

NOTES: Make sure your elbows are directly below your shoulders. Keep your body from tilting to the side.

15 Push-Ups

NOTES: If you can’t do 15, do as many as you can then finish on your knees. If this is still too challenging start from your knees.

(I had to show a man doing these. “Sissy Push-ups” is a pet peve of mine. There is room for this exercise in ANYONE’s routine!)

15 reps Staggered Stance Single Arm Cable Chest Press (both sides)

15 reps Alternating Ball Lying Military Press (15 each side)

NOTES:  This exercise doesn’t take a ton of weight to get the job done!!  Try 3 lbs to start.  Adjust from there.

15 reps Single Leg Dumbbell Lateral Raises (One side at a time)

NOTES: I don’t like to go as high as they are showing. It involves more of the traps, in which I am dominant in.

15 reps Bent-Over Dumbbell Kick Backs

15 reps Single Leg Cable Tricep Push-Downs

START OVER (one more time)

If anyone is interested I’ll post my Thursday workout that you can also use.

Exercises will remain the same for 4 weeks. Sets, reps, and training style will change. HAVE FUN! I did!

If you completed this workout!  Post me a comment to tell me about it!

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